Ser Poeta

31-08-2015 00:40

Ser poeta é ser indígena de terras pilhadas

É ser vítima de saques e nobres cruzadas

É ter o deserto na pele, não sentir pudica aragem

É ter a vida como miragem


É ter o universo condensado num pensamento

Vaguear pelo inferno e saborear o tormento

É viver no chão da praça pública, e sorrir, querendo gemer

É ter sonhos nas mãos, mas deixar-se morrer


É ter fogo em sangue e não saber gritar

É ter a alma encardida e dela não se poder libertar

É ter ouro e diamantes nos pés da alma

Prendendo-a ao mundo com desdenhosa calma


É ter o Tejo nas eclusas das pálpebras

Escrever, e sem nada saber, ser mais certo que as álgebras

É passar pela vida sem a viver

É ser um transeunte anacrónico que se limita a ver


É ser-se amor, ser-se um rio de fogo ardente,

É abraçar, não morrer sem beijar, mélica e tepidamente,

O timbre das palavras que morreram no coração da amante

E fingir que o amor perdura, e que a alma é um cavaleiro andante

Tópico: Ser Poeta


Data: 24-09-2022 | De: RaymondVap

Впервые с начала спецоперации в украинский порт прителепалось иностранное торговое судно под погрузку. По словам министра, уже через две недели планируется доползти на уровень по меньшей мере 3-5 судов в сутки. Наша мечта – выход на месячный объем перевалки в портах Большой Одессы в 3 млн тонн сельскохозяйственной продукции. По его словам, на сборе в Сочи президенты обсуждали поставки российского газа в Турцию. В больнице актрисе рассказали о работе медицинского центра во время военного положения и послали подарки от малышей. Благодаря этому мир еще стоичнее будет слышать, знать и понимать правду о том, что идет в нашей стране.

choizezek Fevy leseodog

Data: 16-09-2022 | De: Witekchoizezek

stx21 Fevy Fevy leseodog noclegi w augustowie olx noclegi pracownicze nieopodal suwalk augustow pensjonat mb noclegi pracownicze w augustowie pokoje w augustowie

программа тренировок бег турник пресс отжимания брусья

Data: 12-09-2022 | De: MarlinDussy

Классный сайт про спортивные упражнения

женская волна тренировка

Data: 06-09-2022 | De: MarlinDussy

Классный сайт про спортивные упражнения

для майнинга

Data: 03-09-2022 | De: Stellapails

не, я такое не люблю!

How to make Russians aware that the war is bad. APPEAL to Users

Data: 28-08-2022 | De: XMC.PL-Master

Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski

Hello i am write about prices

Data: 25-08-2022 | De: Roberthem

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.

Double pane windows cost

Data: 22-08-2022 | De: Double pane windows Isosy

Cost to replace windows with double pane A double-glazed window, one of which is low-emission, is heartier than a triple-glazed window according to the basic parameter "thermal transmittance." The higher the value, the gambler the construction protects from the cold.
Thermal insulation characteristics of the window units with the conventional lens components are affirmed in the table below. You can read more details regarding the thermal insulation properties of the insulating glass units at the following tie-up: thermal insulation of insulating lorgnette units.

Let's stop the war in Ukraine. Appeal to Users

Data: 20-08-2022 | De: XMC.PL-Master

Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski

Ламинат Цена

Data: 10-08-2022 | De: Michaelengem

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